Sunday, November 4, 2012

Phase 2: Explained

Phase 2 Workout, Nutrition and Supplementation

Hey cubs!
So here is the plan for Phase 2.  Basically, Phase 2 is the transition from muscle gain, to extreme fitness.  Phase 1 was fat loss with a little muscle gain, now Phase 2 will be the reciprocal.  So, 5 days in the gym, 1 day intense cardio.

Day 1:  Arms and Shoulders (Size)
Day 2: Chest and Back (Size)
Day 3: Legs (Lean)
Day 4: Arms and Shoulders (Lean)
Day 5: Chest and Back (Lean)
Day 6: High Intensity Cardio/Swimming
Day 7: Rest, Pig out.


So as you can see, less cardio and more lifting.  The reason is fat loss isn't the problem now, now it's filling in all the gaps with muscle.  The cardio day will be for good cardiovascular health and functional fitness.

In Phase 1, we practiced something called Carb Back-Loading.  This was the most efficient way to safely gain muscle mass and lose fat.  Now the meal plan will change and be more like this:
  • Banana
  • 2 Cups lemon water
Meal 1:
  • Peanut Butter Toast (whole wheat)
  • 2 Egg whites, 2 whole eggs
  • Gold Standard Whey Isolate
  • 1 Cup of Quinoa
Meal 2:
  • Protein Bar
  • Apple
Meal 3:
  • Whole Wheat Tortillas
  • Turkey breast
  • Low fat cheese
  • Cup of Almonds
Meal 4:
  • Trail Mix
  • Cup of Fruit
Meal 5:
  • Chicken Breast
  • Whole Wheat Pasta
  • Tomato Sauce
In Phase 1, the meal plan was: More Protein, Less Carbs.  In Phase 2, it's going to be Even more Protein, More Carbs.  Our muscles are going to be starving, so we need to fuel them with proper carbs.  Carbohydrates being the first fuel source for mucles.
In Phase 1, I really didn't use any supplements, I wanted to see how far my body could go without the help of outter sources.  In Phase 2, I'm going to need supplementation.  There are some things that even proper nutrition can't provide your body with.  But rule of thumb, SUPPLEMENTS CAN NOT REPLACE A GOOD WORKOUT PROGRAM AND A GOOD NUTRITION PLAN.
The thing that people don't understand is, you need to eat and workout right before you can supplement.  It's like using expensive car wax to polish a crappy, rusty bucket of bolts.  It's not going to turn it into a race car.  So here is the plan:

  • 5,000 mg Creatine-Monohydrate
  • 1 Scoop 100% Whey Protein
Post Workout:
  • 1 Scoop Whey Isolate
  • 1 Pill BCAA 2222
  • 1 Pill Fish Oil
Before Bed:
  • 1 Scoop Creatine
  • 1 Pill BCAA 2222
  • 1 Althletic Multivitamin
I'll explain what all of the different purposes of those supplements mean later.  Again, thanks for reading!  Be sure you share and leave feedback!!